
Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Book Swap

Last week the children should have brought home information about the first Jordan Bank School Wide Book Swap.  We will be collecting books this week for the swap next week, June 2-June 5.  All children will have the opportunity to swap up to three books.  We encourage you to participate in this worthy event. Additional information can be found within the pages section of the Jordan Bank Library Blog.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Working towards first grade!

The children should be wrapping up their animal research projects, and all library books will need to be returned by Thursday, May 21.  This is a reminder that books must be returned or paid for in order to participate in field day.

Children will continue to learn how to find a "just right book".  We will talk about using the covers, favorite authors, and the Goldilocks Rule to help children know if a book is too hard, too easy, or just right.

Students will be bring home information about our very first school wide book swap.  Children can swap up to 3 paperback books during the week of June 2-5.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Pebble Go

The children will be conducting an animal research project in collaboration between the library and the classroom teachers.  The teachers require the children to find where the animal live, what the animal eats, and an interesting fact.  Sometimes the books the children have selected do not have enough information to write this report.  This is why I have introduced to the children, PebbleGo, an on line database to which the OASD subscribes.  If you wish to use this database, please email me and I will forward the user name and password.  This information came home with the children on their prewrite-graphic organizer as well. 
Click on picture to access Pebble Go

Monday, May 4, 2015

Animals on Parade at the Jordan Bank Library

This week we begin the prewrite stage of the writing process in order to  complete an  informational writing piece on an animal. Children will have the opportunity to use print and non-print resources to complete this project. All children will choose an animal book to take home this week. We will use the informational book to identify: what the animal looks like, where the animal lives, and an interesting fact about the animal. Children will also be exposed to Pebble Go, an on line database specific for K-2 to also complete the prewrite step of the writing process. For more information and due dates for the animal research project, please contact your child's classroom teacher. The graphic organizer and info for Pebble Go can be found under pages in this blog.  Click on the link and it will take you to the graphic organizer.

Monday-Pebble Go Lesson No Book Exchange
Mrs. Verikakis
Mrs. Baughman
Miss. Smith

Tuesday-A Day Prewrite lesson All Children will bring home an animal book for book exchange
Mr. Baughman
Mrs. Black
Mr. Nelms

Wednesday-B Day Prewrite lesson All Children will bring home an animal book for book exchange
Mrs. Wilkinson
Mrs. Clark
Mrs. Trotter

Thursday-C Day Prewrite lesson All Children will bring home an animal book for book exchange
Mrs. Malinowski
Miss. Foster

Friday-D Day Prewrite lesson All Children will bring home an animal book for book exchange
Mrs. Verikakis
Mrs. Baughman
Miss. Smith